Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Most Terrifying Thing I Have Ever Read in My Life

I get an e-mail every morning with a recap of what is going in the market. Most of the time the articles are something I have read somewhere else or I am not interested in them. Today was different. The headline was enticing. It read:

How do you pay off your home mortgage in a few years or less? Learn to use hedged

The last word was left off but it was not rocket science to guess that the missing word was "futures." Oh this was going to be fun. When I clicked on the link it was even better than I thought. It read:

How do you pay off your home mortgage in a few years or less? Learn to use hedged futures with options and arbitrageur strategy

Well sure why not? There's nothing wrong with 80 million homeowners entering the futures market. This might even solve the sub prime lending mess. People who can't even read a mortgage note trading futures and options.

It gets even better though once you read the article. A homeowner in California borrowed $11,600 against her 401K and paid off her $320,000 mortgage in just under 5 years. It must have been a small house because $320,000 can't buy much in California.

Here is the link so you can really appreciate this one

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